Wind Energy
Wind Energy Systems Control Engineering Design
PDF Free Download | Wind Energy Systems Control Engineering Design by Mario Garcia-Sanz and Constantine H. Houpis
With emerging markets, newly industrializing nations, and shortage of existing resources, this problem will continue to grow.
Wind energy, in the current scenario, is playing a central role, being the fastest-growing source of energy worldwide in the last few decades. However, long-term economic sustainability of wind energy is still to be achieved.
This would imperatively require improving critical engineering and economic practices to reduce the cost of wind energy as compared to conventional energy to help increase its proliferation.
Wind turbines are complex systems, with large flexible structures working under very turbulent and unpredictable environmental conditions.
Moreover, they are subject to a variable and demanding electrical grid. Their efficiency, cost, availability, and reliability strongly depend on the applied control strategy.
As wind energy penetration in the grid increases, additional challenges such as the response to grid voltage dips, active power control and frequency regulation, reactive power control and voltage regulation, grid damping, restoration of grid services after power outages, necessity of wind prediction, etc., crop up.
Large nonlinear characteristics and high model uncertainty due to the interaction of the aerodynamic, mechanical and electrical subsystems, stability problems, energy conversion efficiency, load reduction strategies, mechanical fatigue minimization problems, reliability issues, availability aspects, and cost reduction topics all impose the need to design advanced control systems in a concurrent engineering approach.
This approach coordinates many variables such as pitch, torque, power, rotor speed, yaw orientation, temperatures, currents, voltages, power factors, etc.
It is a multidisciplinary task and must be developed under the leadership of an experienced engineer. In this book, we claim this role for the control engineer, with the ultimate goal of achieving an optimum design, taking into account all the aspects of the big picture of the new energy system.
Thus, the first objective of this book is to present the latest developments in the field of applied control system analysis and design and to stimulate further research, including new advanced nonlinear multi-input multi-output robust control system design techniques: quantitative feedback theory (QFT), and nonlinear switching strategies.
The second objective of this book is to bridge the gap between the advanced control theory and the engineering application to design, optimize, and control wind energy systems.
The book is especially useful as it combines hard-to-find industrial knowledge of wind turbines and the required control theory in a concise document from the perspective of both a practicing and real-world engineer.
The wind turbine design standards and the experimental results included in this book will be vital to anyone entering the industry.
The control portion of the book guides the reader through robust theories and reliable ideas successfully applied to real multimegawatt wind turbines.
This book is divided into two parts. Part I (Advanced Robust Control Techniques: QFT and Nonlinear Switching) consists of seven chapters and presents concepts of nonlinear multi-input multi-output robust control in such a way that students and practicing engineers can readily grasp the fundamentals and appreciate its transparency in bridging the gap between theory and real–world applications.
Part II (Wind Turbine Control) consists of 11 chapters and introduces the main topics as follows:
(1) modern wind turbine design and control,
(2) classical and advanced turbines,
(3) dynamic modeling,
(4) control objectives and strategies,
(5) standards and certification,
(6) controller design,
(7) economics,
(8) grid integration, and
(9) a large number of applications in different areas like onshore and offshore wind turbines, floating wind turbines, airborne wind energy systems, smart blades, advanced blades manufacturing, and real experimentation with multi mega watt machines.
In addition, eight appendices and a compilation of problems enhance the technical content of this book. Appendix A describes how to calculate the QFT templates.
Appendix B introduces the inequality expressions for QFT bounds. Appendix C discusses a complementary technique to calculate the QFT bounds analytically.
Appendix D introduces elements for loop shaping. Appendix E discusses the analysis of the controller fragility with QFT. Appendix F describes the new QFT control toolbox (QFTCT), an interactive computeraid-design (CAD) package for MATLAB®.
Appendix G presents five illustrative controller design examples with the new QFTCT. Finally, Appendix H presents a table for conversion of units.
A compilation of problems, answers to selected problems, and a comprehensive reference section about QFT robust control and wind energy systems are also included.
The new interactive and user-friendly QFTCT for MATLAB®, described in Appendix F and available at and 9781439821794, is offered to assist the student and the control engineer in applying the QFT controller design methods and is stressed throughout the book.
Many universities worldwide are currently developing a new curriculum in renewable energy. This book presents practical control design methodologies to face the main wind turbine design and control problems.
Numerous methodologies presented in this book have been developed by us during the last two decades. The methodologies are based on our experiences and our association with Professor Isaac Horowitz.
The control methodologies have also been validated by us in real world multi megawatt wind turbine and spacecraft applications, especially through our association with the M.Torres Group, the European Space Agency ESA-ESTEC and NASA-JPL.
The book is primarily intended as a textbook for undergraduate or graduate courses. It can also be used for self-study by practicing engineers.
The book has been class tested at the Public University of Navarra (Spain) and at Case Western Reserve University (Ohio), thus enhancing its value for classroom use and self-study.
The book begins where a typical undergraduate control course ends. This means that it is assumed that the reader is familiar with differential equations, basic linear algebra, time-domain and frequency-domain control analysis and design, single-input single-output systems, and elementary State Space theory.
Part 2. Wind Turbine Control
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Wind Energy Systems Control Engineering Design |
Preface to Wind Energy Systems PDF Book
Harvesting energy on a global, sustainable, and economic scale is one of the major challenges of this century.With emerging markets, newly industrializing nations, and shortage of existing resources, this problem will continue to grow.
Wind energy, in the current scenario, is playing a central role, being the fastest-growing source of energy worldwide in the last few decades. However, long-term economic sustainability of wind energy is still to be achieved.
This would imperatively require improving critical engineering and economic practices to reduce the cost of wind energy as compared to conventional energy to help increase its proliferation.
Wind turbines are complex systems, with large flexible structures working under very turbulent and unpredictable environmental conditions.
Moreover, they are subject to a variable and demanding electrical grid. Their efficiency, cost, availability, and reliability strongly depend on the applied control strategy.
As wind energy penetration in the grid increases, additional challenges such as the response to grid voltage dips, active power control and frequency regulation, reactive power control and voltage regulation, grid damping, restoration of grid services after power outages, necessity of wind prediction, etc., crop up.
Large nonlinear characteristics and high model uncertainty due to the interaction of the aerodynamic, mechanical and electrical subsystems, stability problems, energy conversion efficiency, load reduction strategies, mechanical fatigue minimization problems, reliability issues, availability aspects, and cost reduction topics all impose the need to design advanced control systems in a concurrent engineering approach.
This approach coordinates many variables such as pitch, torque, power, rotor speed, yaw orientation, temperatures, currents, voltages, power factors, etc.
It is a multidisciplinary task and must be developed under the leadership of an experienced engineer. In this book, we claim this role for the control engineer, with the ultimate goal of achieving an optimum design, taking into account all the aspects of the big picture of the new energy system.
Thus, the first objective of this book is to present the latest developments in the field of applied control system analysis and design and to stimulate further research, including new advanced nonlinear multi-input multi-output robust control system design techniques: quantitative feedback theory (QFT), and nonlinear switching strategies.
The second objective of this book is to bridge the gap between the advanced control theory and the engineering application to design, optimize, and control wind energy systems.
The book is especially useful as it combines hard-to-find industrial knowledge of wind turbines and the required control theory in a concise document from the perspective of both a practicing and real-world engineer.
The wind turbine design standards and the experimental results included in this book will be vital to anyone entering the industry.
The control portion of the book guides the reader through robust theories and reliable ideas successfully applied to real multimegawatt wind turbines.
This book is divided into two parts. Part I (Advanced Robust Control Techniques: QFT and Nonlinear Switching) consists of seven chapters and presents concepts of nonlinear multi-input multi-output robust control in such a way that students and practicing engineers can readily grasp the fundamentals and appreciate its transparency in bridging the gap between theory and real–world applications.
Part II (Wind Turbine Control) consists of 11 chapters and introduces the main topics as follows:
(1) modern wind turbine design and control,
(2) classical and advanced turbines,
(3) dynamic modeling,
(4) control objectives and strategies,
(5) standards and certification,
(6) controller design,
(7) economics,
(8) grid integration, and
(9) a large number of applications in different areas like onshore and offshore wind turbines, floating wind turbines, airborne wind energy systems, smart blades, advanced blades manufacturing, and real experimentation with multi mega watt machines.
In addition, eight appendices and a compilation of problems enhance the technical content of this book. Appendix A describes how to calculate the QFT templates.
Appendix B introduces the inequality expressions for QFT bounds. Appendix C discusses a complementary technique to calculate the QFT bounds analytically.
Appendix D introduces elements for loop shaping. Appendix E discusses the analysis of the controller fragility with QFT. Appendix F describes the new QFT control toolbox (QFTCT), an interactive computeraid-design (CAD) package for MATLAB®.
Appendix G presents five illustrative controller design examples with the new QFTCT. Finally, Appendix H presents a table for conversion of units.
A compilation of problems, answers to selected problems, and a comprehensive reference section about QFT robust control and wind energy systems are also included.
The new interactive and user-friendly QFTCT for MATLAB®, described in Appendix F and available at and 9781439821794, is offered to assist the student and the control engineer in applying the QFT controller design methods and is stressed throughout the book.
Many universities worldwide are currently developing a new curriculum in renewable energy. This book presents practical control design methodologies to face the main wind turbine design and control problems.
Numerous methodologies presented in this book have been developed by us during the last two decades. The methodologies are based on our experiences and our association with Professor Isaac Horowitz.
The control methodologies have also been validated by us in real world multi megawatt wind turbine and spacecraft applications, especially through our association with the M.Torres Group, the European Space Agency ESA-ESTEC and NASA-JPL.
The book is primarily intended as a textbook for undergraduate or graduate courses. It can also be used for self-study by practicing engineers.
The book has been class tested at the Public University of Navarra (Spain) and at Case Western Reserve University (Ohio), thus enhancing its value for classroom use and self-study.
The book begins where a typical undergraduate control course ends. This means that it is assumed that the reader is familiar with differential equations, basic linear algebra, time-domain and frequency-domain control analysis and design, single-input single-output systems, and elementary State Space theory.
Main Contents of Wind Energy Systems PDF Book
Part 1. Advanced Robust Control Techniques: QFT and Nonlinear Switching- Introduction to QFT
- MISO Analog QFT Control System
- Discrete Quantitative Feedback Technique
- Diagonal MIMO QFT
- Non-Diagonal MIMO QFT
- QFT for Distributed Parameter Systems
- Nonlinear Switching Control Techniques
Part 2. Wind Turbine Control
- Introduction to Wind Energy Systems
- Standards and Certification for Wind Turbines
- Wind Turbine Control Objectives and Strategies
- Aerodynamics and Mechanical Modeling of Wind Turbines
- Electrical Modeling of Wind Turbines
- Advanced Pitch Control System Design
- Experimental Results with the Direct-Drive Wind Turbine TWT-1.65
- Blades Manufacturing: MIMO QFT Control for Industrial Furnaces
- Smart Wind Turbine Blades
- Offshore Wind Energy: Overview
- Airborne Wind Energy Systems