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Understanding Structural Analysis
Understanding Structural Analysis

Preface to Understanding Structural Analysis

This book is aimed at the identification oJ the fundamental princiPles of structural analysis together with the develoPment oI a sound understanding of structural behaviour.

This combination leads to the ability to arrive at a numerical solution. Using a series of structural diagrams as a visual lanSuage ol structural behaviour that can be understood with the minimum oJ textual comments, the book aims to develop a qualitative understanding of the response of the structure to load.

It is ideally suited to under8raduates studying indeterminate framed structures as Part of a core course in civil or structural engineerinS' but it is also suitable, because of its qualitative approach, for students of architecture and building technology.

The book is in two parts. Part I' the first lour chapters, deals with the development ol qualitative skiils; that is' the ability to Produce a non-numerical solution to the loaded line-dia8ram ol a structure.

It is considered that the ability to arrive at the qualitative solution to framed structures is a significantly imlortant component of the overall understanding of structural behaviour.

Part II deals with current methods of structural analysis using the diagrammatic format to which the student has become accustomed.

The need lor the developrrent of qualitative skills increases with the increasing use of the computer in design offices.

In the near future, the computer will replace the majority ol analysis and structural desiSn calculations. Unfortunately, this will also have the elfect of eliminating much of the experience and consequent understanding gained by the student and trainee engineer.

This work explains how that understanding is develoPed along with current analytical procedures, PreParing the student for the design office where the computer ls rne source of virtually all numerical design data' Understandinq structural Analgsis is an inteSrated approach to the teaching and learning of the PrinciPles ol structural analysis, ol which this textbook is a major part.

The ideas embodied in this book are also available in an audio/visual series of self learning programmes ol the same name.

The audio/visual programmes are backed by a suite ol micro-computer programs which have been used to produce the numerical and SraPhical solutions to the Practice problems, included in this text.

The research project upon which this book is based has extended over a period ol ten years. In that time, many friends and colleagues have contributed to the development of my ideas of the way in which students can be encouraged to reach a better understanding of structural behaviour.

Bristol Polytechnic has provided both time and resources and my Head of the Department, Dr Matthew Cusack, has been particularly supportive.

These ideas would have been stillborn without the continuous slrpport, interest and encouragement of Peter Dunican, senior partner of the Ove Arup Partnership. Many other engineers in that remarkable organisation have helped me with their advice and constructive criticism.

Perhaps the most successful period for the development and testing of the qualitative approach as a basis for the explanation 01 theories and methods ol analysis was the year I spent with the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering at Hong Kong Polytechnic.

I owe much to discussions with Dr Kwan Lai and Dr Norris Hickerson. but most of all to the resDonse ol the exceptional students.

However, it has been the extensive and particularly fruitJul collaboration with Professor Peter Morice oJ the Department of CiviL Engineering at Southampton University which has led to many of the specific explanations and visual sequences in the early part ol the book. I am indebted to all of them.

Book Details
Language English
Pages 292
Format PDF
File Size 38.5 MB
