Manual of Engineering Drawing by Colin Dennis and Neil

PDF Free Download | Manual of Engineering Drawing Third Edition by Colin H. Simmons, Dennis E. Maguire and Neil Phelps - Technical Product Specification and Documentation to British and International Standards.

Manual of Engineering Drawing
Manual of Engineering Drawing

Preface to Engineering Drawing PDF Book

I received the request to prepare a third edition of Manual of Engineering Drawing with mixed feelings. It was not that I did not want to do a revision,

In fact I was keen to do so, being very conscious that some of the contents was in need of updating to reflect the latest developments, made by the ever-changing world of technology, and by ISO/BS Standardization,

And I also saw it as an opportunity to enhance the book’s content, by introducing new chapters on topical subject matters.

But, I was aware that my dear friend and coauthor over the past thirty years would be unable to play a part in this revision by virtue of ill-health.

I discussed my dilemma with Neil Phelps, a practising mechanical design engineer and fellow colleague, on various ISO and British Standards committees, with whom I have worked closely for many years, and was delighted when Neil expressed his desire and willingness to assist in the revision and become a co-author.

I welcome Neil on board and feel assured that with his valued expertise, input and acumen this Manual of Engineering Drawing will enjoy continued success in the future, as it as proven to be over the past decades.

This latest edition of the Manual of Engineering Drawing has been revised to include and explain latest developments in the fields of Technical Product Specification and Geometric Product Specification,

In line with the latest published ISO, European, and British Standards, including BS 8888:2008–‘Technical Product Specifi cation’, which in 2000 replaced BS 308 ‘Recommendations for Engineering Drawing Practice’. Included in the revised updates are:

The importance and advantages that may be obtained, by having an effective Confi guration Management and Control, within a Management system, whether the system be of a highly sophisticated CAD type or that of a manual type.

Computing developments and the impacts on industry and commerce in relation to CAD Organization and various applications.

In line with ‘Standardization being a continuous process medium,’ this revision also includes the addition of the following four new comprehensive chapters:

‘3 D Annotation’ which deals with the Digital Product Definition Data Practices, aligned to ISO 16792 Technical Product Documentation:

Management and presentation of digital product definition data and ASME Y 14.41. ‘The Duality Principle’ this being a Geometric Product specification approach based on the concept that any given workpiece exists in several different “worlds” or as several different versions at the same time,

As considered by the Designer and the Verification Engineer. It is the essential link between the Design Intent and the Verifi cation of the end product.

The Differences between the American ASME Y 14.5 M Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD & T) and ISO/BS 8888 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Standards’, the subtle differences of common terms, and the effects of them being interpreted in different ways are identifi ed and analysed …

‘Surface Texture’ The Composition and Application of the Related Graphical Symbology The mandatory positions for the indication of surface texture requirements are illustrated and, explained in line with BS/EN/ISO 1302 compliances.

The text that follows covers the basic aspects of engineering drawing practice required by college and university students, and also professional drawing office personnel. Applications show how regularly used standards should be applied and interpreted.

Geometrical constructions are a necessary part of engineering design and analysis and examples of two-and three-dimensional geometry is provided.

Practice is invaluable, not only as a mean of understanding principles, but in developing the ability to visualize shape and form in three dimensions with a high degree of fluency.

It is sometimes forgotten that not only does a draughtsman produce original drawings but is also required to read and absorb the content of drawings he receives without ambiguity.

The section on engineering diagrams is included to stimulate and broaden technological interest, further study, and be of value to students engaged on project work.

Readers are invited to redraw a selection of the examples give for experience, also to appreciate the necessity for the insertion and meaning of every line.

Please accept our apologies for continuing to use the term ‘draughtsmen’, which is the generally understood collective noun for drawing office personnel, but implies equality in status. In conclusion, may we wish all readers every success in their studies and careers.

We hope they will obtain much satisfaction from employment in the absorbing activities related to creative design and considerable pleasure from the construction and presentation of accurately defined engineering drawings incapable of misinterpretation.

Language English
Pages 318
Format PDF
File Size 20.2 MB
