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An Engineers Guide to MATLAB With Applications
MATLAB With Applications

Preface to Engineers Guide to MATLAB PDF Book

In going from the previous edition to this third edition, we have made many significant changes. A new chapter, “Biological Systems: Transport of Heat, Mass, and Electric Charge,” has been added.

To make room for this new material, Chapter 8, “Machine Design,” of the previous edition has been removed. In Chapter 1,“Introduction,” more details on the setup of user preferences and the use of the MATLAB editor are provided, and the number of exercises has been significantly increased.

Also, the Symbolic toolbox has been moved to this chapter. In Chapter 5, “Function Creation and Selected MATLAB Functions,

” the section dealing with the differential equation solvers now includes the delay differential equations solver (dde23) and the one-dimensional parabolic–elliptic partial differential equations solver (pdepe).

In addition, the range of examples for the ordinary differential equations solver bvp4c has been expanded to better illustrate its wide applicability.

Chapter 6, “2D Graphics,” contains twice the number of special-purpose graph functions, more material on the enhancement of graphs, and several new examples replacing those used in the second edition.

Chapter 9,“Vibrations,” has been extensively revised and expanded to include a wider range of applications. Chapter 13 “Optimization,” has also been expanded to demonstrate the use of the new Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search toolbox.

Overall, the book has been “refreshed” to reflect the authors’ collective experiences with MATLAB, to introduce the new enhancements that are available in the MATLAB editor, and to include some of the new functions that have been introduced since the last edition.

Overall, the examples, exercises, and MATLAB functions presented in the book have been increased by more than 25%.

The book now contains 190 numbered examples, almost 300 exercises, and more than 375 MATLAB functions that are illustrated. The programs in this edition have been run on Version 2009a.

Main Contents of Engineers Guide to MATLAB PDF Book

  • The MATLAB Environment
  • Online Help 
  • The Symbolic Toolbox 
  • Summary of Functions Introduced in Chapter 1
  • Vectors and Matrices
  • Definitions of Matrices and Vectors 
  • Creation of Vectors 
  • Creation of Matrices 
  • Dot Operations 
  • Mathematical Operations with Matrices
  • Summary of Functions Introduced in Chapter 2
  • Data Input/Output
  • Strings and Annotated Output
  • Entering Data with input
  • Input/Output Data Files 
  • Cell Arrays 
  • Input Microsoft Excel Files 
  • Summary of Functions Introduced in Chapter 3
  • Program Flow Control
  • Introduction—The Logical Operator 
  • Control of Program Flow
  • Function Creation and Selected MATLAB Functions
  • User-Defined Functions 
  • User-Defined Functions, Function Handles, and feval 
  • MATLAB Functions that Operate on Arrays of Data
  • MATLAB Functions that Require User-Defined Functions
  • Symbolic Solutions and Converting Symbolic Expressions into Functions 
  • Summary of Functions Introduced in Chapter 5
  • 2D Graphics
  • Introduction: Graphics Management 
  • Basic 2D Plotting Commands
  • Graph Annotation and Enhancement
  • Summary of Functions Introduced in Chapter 6
  • Graphics
  • Summary of Functions Introduced in Chapter 7
  • Engineering Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistical Quantities 
  • Probability Distributions
  • Confidence Intervals 
  • Hypothesis Testing 
  • Linear Regression
  • Design of Experiments
  • Summary of Functions Introduced in Chapter 8
  • Dynamics and Vibrations
  • Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies
  • Single-Degree-of-Freedom Vibratory Systems
  • Systems with Multiple Degrees of Freedom
  • Free and Forced Vibrations of Euler–Bernoulli and Timoshenko Beams
  • Summary of Functions Introduced in Chapter 9
  • Control Systems
  • Introduction to Control System Design
  • Representation of Systems in MATLAB
  • Response of Systems
  • Design Tools
  • Design Examples
  • Summary of Functions Introduced in Chapter 10
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Hydrostatics
  • Internal Viscous Flow
  • External Flow
  • Open Channel Flow 
  • Biological Flows
  • Heat Transfer
  • Conduction Heat Transfer
  • Convection Heat Transfer
  • Radiation Heat Transfer
  • Optimization
  • Definition, Formulation, and Graphical Solution
  • Linear Programming
  • Binary Integer Programming
  • Nonlinear Programming: Unconstrained and Curve Fitting
  • Nonlinear Programming: Constrained Single Objective
  • Multiobjective Optimization 
  • Genetic Algorithm-Based Optimization 
  • Summary of Functions Introduced in Chapter 13
  • Biological Systems: Transport of Heat, Mass, and Electric Charge
  • Heat Transfer in Biological Systems
  • Mass Transfer in Biological Systems
  • Charge Transport in Biological Systems

Book Details
Language English
Pages 845
Format PDF
File Size 9.58 MB
